NEW ebook! SPI Girls Kick Ass!

Release day! The SPI Girls Kick Ass! ebook is now available in the Kindle Store!

SPI Girls Kick Ass!

Virtual Avatars. Real Heroes.

The Three Rules of Immersion:

1. Keep the residents safe.
2. Keep the workers in line.
3. Keep the AIs functioning.

As we wait for Earth’s restoration, humanity dreams of fantasy worlds in Singularity, a virtual space built to keep us sane. When high-profile avatars turn up dead, three agents of SPI, the Singularity Policing Institute, must learn why – and what really happened.

Can a cyberpunk, a space nerd & a fairy princess unravel a conspiracy with humanity’s fate at stake?

Check out this exciting first entry in a new LITrpg series. If you’re looking for a hope punk book featuring friendship, found family, and gritty optimism in the face of a dystopian world, you’ll enjoy SPI Girls Kick Ass!

About ecgarrison

Author. Brewer. Gamer. Geek. Trans.
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