Born This Fae! (and other news)

Born This Fae is my Kindle Vella serial set in the Tipsy Fairy Tales universe!

Maybe I should have announced this here sooner, but I wanted to get more than a couple of episodes built up first. I’ve been writing a contemporary / paranormal fantasy serial called Born This Fae, and I’ve just published the 12th episode! This will eventually become a book, and I’m also considering podcasting it like I did The Multiverse Blues.

Speaking of serials, I completed a serialized story with author friends Red Tash and Kat Bradbury; an announcement about SPI Girls Kick Ass! is imminent, so watch this space in the next few days!

Finally, watch for me (@ecgarris) on pre-Musk Twitter on Saturday for an interview/takeover with Jorie (who loves a story) as I chat about Trans Witch: College of Secrets!

About ecgarrison

Author. Brewer. Gamer. Geek. Trans.
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